Proud to be a part of Team Garrett Europe

Team Garrett Europe Frank


“In the dark of earth, the past remains,
For those who seek, the treasure waits..”

Started detecting 2015

Previous detector:
Garrett euro ace,
Tecnetics T2,
Garrett AT Pro.

Current detector:
Garrett AT Max
Garrett girls Selina


“Metal detection is just like bingo, with every new beep it is exciting whether you have found a treasure (or not)…”


Started detecting 2015

Previous detectors:
Garrett ACE 150,
Garrett ACE 250.

Current detectors:
Garrett AT Pro.
Team Garrett Europe

Grandpa Marcello
Social media

“Doing what you want is freedom​, loving what you find is happiness..”

Started detecting 2010.

Previous Detectors:
Garrett ACE 250,
Garrett ACE 400i,
Garrett AT PRO

Current detectors:
Garrett AT MAX,
Garrett ACE Apex

Team Garrett Europe Amaro

Business Support

“All for one, one for all..”


Started detecting 2016

Previous detectors:
Garrett ACE 250,
Garrett AT Pro.

Current detectors:
Garrett AT Max.

team garrett europe Jaap

Video Editor

” if you can dream it, you can dig it..

"Started detecting 2012

Previous detectors:
Whites MX6

Current detectors:
Garrett AT Max,
Garrett ACE Apex.
Team Garrett Europe Mark

Team Support

“Into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul…”

Started detecting 2015

Previous detector:
Garrett ACE 250

Current detector:
Garrett AT Max 


Garrett Girl Europe

“Embrace the glorious mess that you are…”

Started detecting 2015

Previous detectors:
Garrett ACE 300i,
Garrett ACE 400i.

Current detectors:
Garrett AT Max,
Garrett ACE Apex.
Team Garrett Europe Etienne

Team Support

“Better one coin in your Keepersbox then a bunch of coins undiscovered in the ground..”

Started detecting in 2016.

Previous detectors:
Garrett ACE 250,

Current detectors:
Garrett AT Max,
Garrett AT Pro,
Garrett Apex ripper Coil

Team Garrett Europe.

The origin of this team is actually a story by itself.
The members of the team are members of the first hour of the Facebook group Garrett Metaldetector users Holland – Belgium.
The goal at first was to go out on diggs with a small group of people of the facebook page.
This resulted in a fun day of searching every 6 to 8 weeks.
We would travel all over the Netherlands because not one of our members lived close to one another’s.
Pretty soon we all had our own camouflage find vest and we became a little club.
Nowadays, the team has a real team outfit and even our own booth for sales at important events such as Detectorworld and Detectival where we sell various team merchandise and organize raffles.


Why Garrett? …

While each seeker has its own preference for a particular detector brand, the members of this team are convinced that with Garrett, they use the best the market has to offer.
The team members currently use mainly the Garrett AT Max ,the AT Pro and the ACE Apex.
There are numerous aspects in which Garrett distinguishes itself from other brands.
The user friendliness, the high reliability and -easy to use – are crucial points that make these detectors such a success.
In addition, Garrett is a brand that stays true to itself and their core values while being innovative, the Apex is the perfect example of this with it’s multi-flex .

Garrett Metaldetector users Holland – Belgium.
On May 17, 2015, Frank Kroon came up with the idea that it might be nice to create a Garrett Facebook page.
He just purchased his first detector, a Garrett Euro ace, and wanted to learn more about it, and thought others would to.
The aim was to create a page for Garrett users to show finds, ask questions and to provides members with tips and tricks.
This turned out to be a huge succes and soon there were more than a thousand members.


Kooistra Detectors

In that time Frank called Kooistra Detectors and asked if they were willing to support the page, by donating some Garrett merchandise to have a small raffle .
They accepted and from that point on, the group grew even faster.
The page nowadays has more than 3.300 members, who all are passionate about their hobby, and help each other out with determinations.
Every now and than we have raffles and competitions, some small, some bigger and by now we should have had our very first big rally, The Dutch Garrett Rally ,if it had not been for Covid.
As soon as it is safe, we will though, so keep an eye out for the news page.

By now, the name is new, some of the team members are new, but what still remains, is the combined passion for hunting treasure together.

Not a member yet? join us!!

Join us on facebook and maybe we will meet you somewhere in Europe.