Do you also want to be a part of the Garrett Girls Community?

Share your story with us


Colleen McGrath “NQ Explorers”

I have been detecting and relic hunting for more than 30 years all over Australia and Internationally with the Garrett Team,

I have prospected for gold and treasure in Arizona and found Spanish Silver on an old plantation site in Virginia. Most of our relic hunting and prospecting is in our home state of Queensland here in Australia where we have found many historic relics dating from Colonial times to WW2, along with gold nuggets and gemstones.

We have always used Garrett metal detectors on our adventures as they are so well built, very reliable, and work well in the tough conditions we encounter here in Australia.

We use the new Garrett Apex for relic hunting along with our long time favourites the AT Max, AT Gold and AT Pro. For gold nugget hunting we use the Garrett ATX pulse induction detector.

I am very happy to be part of the Worldwide Garrett Team!


Maarit Murtosalo Finland

Maarit Murtosalo

I’m Maarit Murtosalo from Finland, I am living between Helsinki and Turku.

The thing is, I’ve only had Garrett detectors, started this hobby in 2015 with the Garrett 250 ace.

I had been dreaming of my own detector for many years and then one day I just simply went and ordered one from Finndetector’s here in Finland.

And what was my first find well a horse shoe of course.

I’m a total outdoor person living in the country and I’m surrounded with fields and forests, so this is just a perfect hobby for me. About 2 years ago I bought the AT Max and boom, I was blown away.

This is a hobby you get addicted to.

All the findings I clean and store them nicely.

Here in Finland the law for findings is, everything over 100 years belongs to the museum, but if they don’t want to have the item then you can have it.

My oldest finds is something between a sword and a knives aged about 1000 years, have found 2 knives like this and of course they are at the museum.

There are several other items I’ve had to send to the museum.


Arianna Garrett Apex Search Team Italia


I’m Arianna and I’m an Italian Garrett Girl.

Do you know “The Goonies” movie”? I have always dreamed about becoming one of the Goonies, “searching for treasures” …..

In 2015 the first Garrett Rally in Italy was in the city Cesenatico. My boyfriend Mattia has been a detectorist for a few years and wanted to partecipate. As an Birthday surprise for my boyfriend Mattia, I have not only registered him for the rally, but I signed up too……

After that rally I totally fell in love with my “search of treasures”. I love Garrett Metal detectors because they made me find many “treasures”

My first metaldetector was Garrett Ace 250, then I switched over to the Garrett 400i and at the same time I also used the Garrett At Pro. Now I use the Garrett ACE APEX, I am so happy with it because the APEX is such a powerful multifrequency detector and I have even found gold on the beach. Together with my boyfriend Mattia, we are the “Garrett Apex Search Team Italia” and sponserd by Detectorshop Italia.

I am happy to be a part of this great GARRETT FAMILY and thanks for inviting me to be a part of the Garrett Girl Europe Page.

A big hug Arianna

Digger dawn

For those that don’t know me I am the UK Garrett Girl aka Digger Dawn Channel on YouTube.
​ I have been using Garrett detectors now for six years.
I started off with the Euroace, then upgraded to the Ace 400i, AT Max and I now also have the APEX.
I’m currently testing a range of new coils too.
My favourite combination of coils at the minute is The Apex with the Raider coil and the AT Max and the AT Viper coil.
I’ve found some stunning finds with the AT Max/Viper combination and I’m hoping that the Apex/Raider combination is going to follow suit as I take it out on the same land over the next few weeks.
Ive always liked Garrett right from the start.

They have a great range of machines, and for a beginner just starting out like I was 6 years ago, I found the ACE range to be easy to understand and affordable. Garrett also have fantastic customer service and have been making metal detectors for over 50 years, so have great experience to share with their customers. Im really happy to be part of the Garrett family, because I feel thats what we are, a big family.

Digger Dawn

Emma Reeves

Hi, I’m Emma from Hertfordshire aka Garrett Girl UK.

When I was a little girl, my Grandad told me about a relative finding a gold coin whilst walking along the beach. I thought that was the coolest thing ever.

That Christmas, I asked Santa Claus for my first metal detector. I tested it out on Christmas Day by waving the detector over the bowls of Christmas Pudding to find out which slice was hiding the lucky silver Sixpence but my metal detector didn’t work. In 2020, my partner bought me a Garrett Ace 300i for my birthday. It was a great beginners detector. I taught myself how to use it by watching lots of videos on YouTube. My favorite YouTuber is Digger Dawn – the original UK Garrett Girl. (I got to meet Dawn at Detectorcon 2021 and she’s as friendly, fun and entertaining off camera as she is on YouTube).

Three months into my new hobby my 300i found gold. A Henry III Gold Half Noble. My coin won Garrett’s International Favorite Find of the Month in September 2020. My prize was a brand new Garrett Ace Apex from Garrett’s headquarters in Texas.

I enjoy finding old coins and historical artefacts but I love using my Apex to help people find sentimental items they’ve lost. Nothing beats seeing someone smiling from ear to ear after being reunited with their lost wedding ring. I realized that a lot of people have an interest in metal detecting but have no idea where to start. I set up a little website to offer budding detectorists the opportunity to try Garrett’s Metal Detectors for themselves.

It’s great to be part of the Garrett family and thank you for inviting me to be part of the Garrett Girls Community.

Emma x

Garrett Girl Di Johnnston

My name is Di Johnston, I am 54, a serving Police Officer (approaching retirement) living in North West England with husband and two dogs – Boris and Gustav.

I have wanted to take up metal detecting as a hobby for years, but it took a period of illness and a diagnosis of PTSD that prompted me to invest in a metal detector two years ago. I taught myself to detect by watching youtube tutorials and those from Garrett with my first machine the Garrett 400i. 

I have since got the Apex which I am very happy with.  My best find to this day was with the Apex.  It is a two stranded copper alloy roman bracelet, it was twisted out of shape but it was clear from the patina that it had some age to it.  I’ve had it formally identified as being of that era.  I also found a Silver Septimus Severous Denari last year with the 400i.

I set up and help run a small club of detectorists.  Our online social community has been really helpful throughout lockdown and we are looking forward to restrictions lifting and being able to get out again as a group.

Kind regards


The Netherlands
The Netherlands

Aantje The Netherlands

Hi all.
I am Aantje Kloes and I live in Haarlem in the Netherlands.
I have been searching for almost 4 years now.
A friend of mine bought a metal detector and could not stop telling me all those amazing stories, so I got curious, really curious.

I bought a Garrett Euro ACE 250 and found out he was right!!
I almost regretted that I didn’t buy one earlier on.
I found some truly amazing finds with it.

Nowadays I use the Garrett ACE 400i and still love it.
I love being outdoors and just clear my head while hunting for treasure, and the thrill of not knowing what your next find will be.


Elise “the treasure digger”

I am Elise ,
11 years old and I live in the Netherlands .

I use the Garrett 200i,and sometimes my dad let’s me use his Garrett ACE Apex.
I have been metal detecting for 5 years now and started out with an ACE 150.
Through the years I found many cool items, some rings and a whole lot of coins!

I also have my own Facebook page where I share my adventures .
Would love to see you there!

Team Garrett Europe Selina

Team Garrett Europe Member Selina

Hi there!

My name is Selina and I’m a (single) mom with a 9 year old daughter and I work as an assistant administrator. I also study law at the university.

In 2015, a friend asked me to join him in the search with a metal detector. I did not have a metal detector myself and was able to borrow a Garrett Ace 150 from him.
I liked it so much that I decided to buy myself a metal detector: the Garrett Ace 250.
Not long after that I decided my detector needed an upgrade and bought the Garrett At pro. (I still have the 250 as a spare)

Because I wanted to learn and know more about the hobby of searching with a metaldetector, I decided to look up some information on Facebook. I discovered that there were entire communities and events surrounding this hobby! That’s how I met a lot of new people with the same hobby.
The most special people I got to know were from the facebook page ‘Garrett Metaldetector users Holland – Belgium’. I had a lot of awesome time with them! -and still have!

Besides metal detection I also enjoy going to (metal)concerts and various Halloween-events.

Garrett girl Community
Garrett girl community

Carolien van Spaandonk The Netherlands 

My name is Carolien,

I started 3 years ago, the grandchild of my boss was 11 years old and had an old metal detector,  he lend it to me. I was hooked from the start. 

I love this hobby because I enjoy being free and search for old items, while cleaning up nature. 

I started with the Garret ace 200i and currently use the Garrett At Pro.

I  prefer a Garrett metal detector because I am so used to it, I tried the Simplex, but it had to many sounds. 

I am a volunteer at RKC Waalwijk (Soccer club) 

Greetings from the Netherlands,


Gypsy Jewels

Gypsy Jewels passion for treasure started when she was a little girl. From exploring the mountains of West Texas with her father looking for artifacts and fossils to scavenging dumps or walking alleys diving dumpsters.

Gyspy bought her first metal detector over 20 years ago after running into a couple at a beach in south Texas who showed her what they had found after an early morning search on the beach.  She started on the beaches of Galveston searching for rings, coins, and shipwreck treasure. Now she continues her quest for relics and treasures all over the world. 

Gypsy’s passion has remained the same since she was a young girl. Whether it’s metal detecting for coins, relics, and gold, digging bottles in an old dump, or looking for fossils and native artifacts, she spends the majority of her time chasing her passion of finding treasure and preserving history.


Discovery Daisy

Discovery Daisy

My name is Daisy, known as Discovery Daisy from the United States. The detector that I use 99% of the time is my Garrett ATPro. I still have and have previously used the Garrett ATMax and ACE 300.

I actually got started detecting by meeting new friends while scuba diving and talking about treasure hunting and expanding from water to land. I had always wanted a metal detector as a little girl growing up and was never able to get one. I am very thankful to be able to enjoy this hobby now.

I started metal detecting in the beginning of March in 2020. What I love about metal detecting is being able to discover history and have fun at the same time. Every piece of treasure has a story to it and figuring that story out is so intriguing.

I prefer the Garrett detectors because it was what I was introduced too by mutual friends and they have never disappointed me. They work so well and have found so many treasures for me. 

Audra and Rachael “JHH”

Hello, we are Audra and Rachael of  New Jersey History Hunters aka- JHH and we have a passion for saving history!

Audra Thomas- Detecting over 20 years. Machine of choice AT Pro – wireless headset.

Rachael Elmore- History enthusiast. Machine of choice AT Pro  – wireless headset.

Jersey History Hunters- Saving history one dig at a time. Archaeological Metal detectorists of New Jersey, USA. Researching the east coast, we focus on the locating and recovering relics and other related items throughout central NJ and all of the east coast. Over the last several years, recovering historical items has become a passion that we have always wanted to share. Though we are serious about saving history, we like to share the fun of Metal detecting, bottle hunting, relic digging and saving any history we can! Enjoying every minute along the way from research to cleaning and displaying our finds to all the awesome people we meet along the way. We have made several amazing friends within this community and definitely appreciate them all. We have a large following on social media from within all treasure hunting commuities from metal detecting, bottle digging to gold prospecting, magnet fishing and more

Some of our finds include Native American artifacts, Revolutionary war relics, musket balls, Spanish Real coins, buttons, 1700’s and 1800’s coins, WWII Medals, Buttons, Old toys, Jewelry, Relics from early American Colonists, 1879 German pistol, Bayonett, Powder flask, gold and amethyst pin and much much more

We Livestream on youtube every Tuesday night which is more of a get together with friends to hang out chat and have fun. We post our adventure videos on our Youtube page weekly as well as have outings with fellow detectors, have guests,  giveaways and history walks and more!

Find Jersey History hunters online!

Carlotta Brandenburg

I’ve been detecting for gold and relics for about eighteen years now, and in that time, I’ve really enjoyed meeting some of the wonderful people involved in this hobby around the world.
I started with a minelab looking for gold mostly.
Have over 7 gold nuggets that I found in the desert here in Arizona.
When I met Tim at the gold prospectors association we started coin and relic detecting together.
He give me the AT Gold and I loved it.
So it’s be Garrett all the way from than on.
What I love most about the hobby is just all the wonderful opportunities to see the country.
I’ve even become scuba dive certified and that opened up a whole new world!
Thanks for inviting me to be a part of the Garrett Girl Europe page.


Emily “Little Dirt Diggers”

Hey guys!

I’m Emily Copeland, a.k.a. Little Dirt Diggers. I’m 10 years old and I have been detecting for over 5 years. I love detecting with the At Pro, At Max and the Ace Apex.

I have a YouTube channel, Instagram, and Facebook under my name, Little Dirt Diggers. I also enjoy other hobbies like magnet fishing, gold panning, and gem mining, and bass fishing! I also enjoy playing sports like softball and basketball. I live in North Georgia and I like to detect old home places and civil war encampments.

I also enjoy setting up my display cases at trade shows so I can talk to kids about metal detecting and show them what they are able to find if they start the hobby.


Janice lind

Janice Lind

I own the Garrett Ace Apex, AT Pro, and AT Max.

I started  metal detecting in the late 1990’s and took it up more seriously 10 years ago. After I upgraded to my AT Max last summer, I have had even greater success and try to detect two or three weekends a month if the weather is good.

I retired from the US Navy 15 years ago and I am on the cusp of my second retirement. I am a breast cancer survivor and I love metal detecting because it keeps me active and my mind curious. Fortunately, my sister and my best friend also detect, so I always have someone to join in on the fun.

I live in Massachusetts, USA. There is an incredible amount of history here and I love digging it up! 


Janice Lind


Nicole Bauer

My name is Nicole and I’m a 40-something detectorist from Ohio, USA.
Growing up I was ALWAYS outside with my head down, searching. I started as a relic hunter when I was very young. I’d walk farm fields with my dad searching for things the past had left behind. As time progressed I became obsessed with rocks and my rockhounding path began. I remember when I was eleven my dad saying we’d all be safe, because I carry a bag of rocks everywhere. Normal girls carried purses with girl stuff inside, but my purses were strictly for rocks and random findings. I was never the girly type.

The first time I saw a metal detector I was around ten. My parents had gotten divorced and I remember asking my mom if I could get a detector. Single mom’s couldn’t afford those things and my mom made that very clear. So, I went on about life and hoped I’d someday be able to afford one.
I had always planned to become an archaeologist or geologist when I “grew up” (still working on growing up). I knew I was happiest in the dirt.

Life happened and I met my husband and we raised two awesome sons. I kept busy pursuing a degree in biochemistry, homeschooling my sons, and helping my husband run his small lawn business. Then, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in my early 30’s.
When I was diagnosed I learned that fighting this monster was going to take some work. I had to keep my body moving and my mind sharp. I am an introvert with extrovert moments who spends way too much time in her head. It scared me trying to figure out what I could do to help me live more and let this disease beat me. I tried a lot of activities. Crafts, exercising, and other things that didn’t fit my adventurous nature. Then, while at an auction one day, an old White’s Coinmaster was being auctioned off. Nobody was bidding so I threw my hand up. I won it for $1 USD. A few of the older guys around me chuckled and sort off made fun that I had bought it. I did not care. I had just purchased my first detector. Best day ever.

I learned a lot on that machine. I didn’t find anything outstanding except for my love of the hobby. I soon realized it was exactly what I needed in my arsenal to fight against my MS. That was six years ago when I got my first machine.
I’m by no means financially well off. We live very simply and do not splurge on excess. We purchase most of our clothing and such used and if it’s broken we fix it. I saw the prices on more advanced machines like Garrett’s and I knew they weren’t in my reach. I saved my money up and purchased a cheap Sunpow detector on Amazon a few years ago. I found neater stuff with that and just kept going. When I wasn’t outside I was using my free time educating myself about everything metal detecting.

My MS progresses slowly each year. It has made me stronger and weaker at the same time. Funny how that works. My husband knows that my love of metal detecting is more than something to do. It helps me. In 2021 he sold some of his excess lawn equipment from his business and surprised me with a Garrett Ace 400. I call her Wanda and I love her. I’ve never loved an inanimate object before, but here I am saying I do now.

Through metal detecting I’ve found a sense of belonging and a peace like no other. It has kept me moving on days when I try to resist. It’s amazing. The only regret I have is not being able to pursue this love sooner in life.
I think I’ve rambled on for too long. So, there it is. My intro to you fellow Garrett Girls. I wish you all luck in your hunts and love in your heart.

Take care,
Nicole Bauer

Garrett Girl Alena from Russia



My name is Alena, I am 30 years old. I live in Russia, the city of St. Petersburg. I work in the clothing industry.

I started to search for metal in 2020. I took the first Metal detector (Garrett Ace 150) from friends and realized that this is my love. Soon I bought Garrett 350 Euro, a month later I changed it to At Max.

Now I am finishing driving school to buy a car and explore new territories, I am also learning to drive a motorcycle.

With the advent of a metal detector in my life, I finally found my place in the sun.
