Arianna Garrett Apex Search Team Italia
I’m Arianna and I’m an Italian Garrett Girl.
Do you know “The Goonies” movie”? I have always dreamed about becoming one of the Goonies, “searching for treasures” …..
In 2015 the first Garrett Rally in Italy was in the city Cesenatico. My boyfriend Mattia has been a detectorist for a few years and wanted to partecipate. As an Birthday surprise for my boyfriend Mattia, I have not only registered him for the rally, but I signed up too……
After that rally I totally fell in love with my “search of treasures”. I love Garrett Metal detectors because they made me find many “treasures”
My first metaldetector was Garrett Ace 250, then I switched over to the Garrett 400i and at the same time I also used the Garrett At Pro. Now I use the Garrett ACE APEX, I am so happy with it because the APEX is such a powerful multifrequency detector and I have even found gold on the beach. Together with my boyfriend Mattia, we are the “Garrett Apex Search Team Italia” and sponserd by Detectorshop Italia.
I am happy to be a part of this great GARRETT FAMILY and thanks for inviting me to be a part of the Garrett Girl Europe Page.
A big hug Arianna