Apex Setting Team member Ed
Team member Ed
“Viper coil”
- Custom mode
- Iron audio off only when in doubt turn on. +1
- Sensitivity full, when chattering take 1 bar off.
- Most of the time 15 kHz sometimes Multi-Frequency
- Discrimination from 30-40
“Ripper coil”
- 15 kHz and everything from above.
My advice : If you are new with the APEX, start running in the 15 kHZ mode, learn your machine and then switch over to MF, that worked out great for me when i was starting with the APEX.
APEX settings Team member Etienne
Team member Etienne
“Viper coil”
- Custom mode
- Iron audio off only when in doubt turn on.
- Sensitivity full, when chattering take 1 or 2 bars off.
- MF Mode
- Discrimination till 35-40
“Ripper coil”
- 15 kHz
Team member Opa Marcello
Team member Opa Marcello
VIPER coil
- Custom
- MF Mode
- Sens full open when possible
- Iron Audio off, by any doubt on.
- Dicrimination till 30
Problems with your charging connector in your APEX? use a magnetic charger micro usb