Space for ads on this page
Garrett girls page
For ads / spaces on the Garrettgirls page, see the codes.
- A1 under the banner of each country.
- A2 under the banner of each country.
You can only advertise on the part of your own country.
Limited space, 2 spaces for each country, ads will run for 1 year, from the 1th of january until 31 of December.
Advertise with your own logo or banner, with links to your website and social media.

Pages per country.
Ads / spaces on the pages,
- A3 on the topright of the page.
- A4 en A5 on the bottom of the page.
Every Garrett Girl that joins has her own country page.
This page will have it’s own information and regulations regarding the country she lives in.
Logo or banner with links to your website and/or social media.